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Are you excited enough to pack your bags and have a day trip to India? Then you are on the right page. Last year around the Christmas season, I started my one day trip to Kolkata, the capital city of Bengal. Kolkata, being the loudest and the most chaotic one, will add up to your day trip making it more adventurous.
After visiting Victoria Memorial, Science City, Kumartuli, and other places in Kolkata, I decided to explore more about the sacred places of Kolkata. So, I started off my journey to the prestigious Belur Math and Dakshineswar Temple where you can join the devotees of ‘Bhabatarini’, a form of Goddess Kali.
You can easily plan a trip to both of these places on the same day. As both of them are located at the north of the city. While travelling to these places, you can connect to both the places with their history. And you will be amazed how beautifully this tour will help you to connect with your soul.
Trip to Belur Math
My first stop was Belur Math, a temple dedicated to mystic saint Ramakrishna Paramhansa. After getting into that, I get relieved from all the chaos outside. The picturesque architecture and the construction design is a combination of Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, and Christian religion which itself is very unique.

Inside Math, the administration was very strict about their no photos policy. They have police guards all around the premises. if anyone is trying to capture photos, they would immediately enforce their rule on them. So, you can take a picture of the temple from the river.
You can take that during your boat ride to Dakshineswar Kali Temple. After spending half of my day in Belur Math, I started off for the same. I took a boat ride( localities call it, steamer) from nearby Hoogly Riverbank. You may have to wait for a few mins and stand in a queue. It took almost 15-20 mins to reach the temple. And cost Rs.10 per person. On your boat ride to the temple, you will get to see the life at the ghats. You can feel the breeze over your face.
Trip to Dakshineshwar Kali Temple
Once I reached in there, I found a huge line of devotees stretched to kilometres. All they want was, just to get a glimpse of Devi Bhabatarini’s figurine. If you don’t have enough time, you can explore the bits of the premise.

Like all other tourist places, you will find streets filled with food stalls and eateries on both sides. You can taste some of the Bengali cuisines here like Mach-Bhat, Kachori, Rasgulla, and many more. You can also find some stalls selling Hindu religious items lining up at the side of the road leading to this temple. Buy a few small items from here as souvenirs, if you want to.
After this, you can ride Kolkata’s yellow taxi and enjoy the ride. Again Head back to your home with a boatload of memories.
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